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Here's a few projects I've already managed to get in the can. I'll be adding more soon, I hope. 
All are available for for festival screening. Get in touch if you'd like to know more.
Hives for Humanity:
The Power of Bees
Mathew Iestyn Parry - 2013 - 10 mins


Julia Common loves bees and is eager to share her passion with the rest of Vancouver. In the summer of 2012, she placed one hive in a community garden in Vancouver’s Downtown East Side, in the hope that it would bring people together through the work and effort required to grow and maintain a thriving hive.

Super Parkinson's Zachery
Mathew Iestyn Parry - 2013 - 5 mins


Zachery Cameron Longboy is a Vancouver-based, native peoples artist of some renown. Despite a diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease, and a the daily struggles that battling the disease involves, Zachery still continues to create.

Watch this space. 

More to come.

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